Ear syringing also known as ear irrigation is used by healthcare professionals to remove excess earwax. During the procedure, warm water is gently flushed into the ear canal, loosening and dislodging the earwax buildup. Wizear provides these services even at Ear Camps held in the most remote area.
During ear camps, various services are provided including ENT consultations, hearing screening and Cerumen management. Cerumen management is done through ear syringing which is discussed below.
Earwax, also known as cerumen, is a natural substance produced by glands in the ear canal. It plays a vital role in keeping your ears healthy and protected from dust and bacteria. However, when earwax builds up, it can lead to a feeling of fullness and even temporary hearing loss.
The Benefits of Ear Syringing
Ear syringing can bring relief by removing the excess earwax that might be causing pain and discomfort. Say goodbye to those awkward moments of trying to scratch your ear inconspicuously, missing out pieces of conversations and often asking people to repeat themselves.
Frequently asked questions about ear stringing
- Is ear syringing painful: Fear not! Ear syringing is usually a painless procedure. You might feel some water swishing around in your ear, but it’s not something to lose sleep over.
- Can I do ear syringing at home?
It’s best to leave ear syringing to the professionals. DIY attempts can lead to further complications and potentially damage your precious ears. - How often should I get ear syringing done?
The frequency of ear syringing depends on your individual earwax production. Some individuals might not even need ear syringing whilst some might need it regularly.
Remember, when it comes to your ears, always consult a healthcare professional for the best care possible.